150 150 Ventnor Fringe

Undecided Art Collective

So it seems the early starts and long nights have turned our media team’s gentle musings into full blown hysteria here in the Ventnor Exchange. As such, we have been seeking refuge in the Undecided Art Collective.

It is thoroughly recommended that persons go to this gallery and relax on the exceedingly comfy dream bed.

The dream exhibition is centred round an art installation called Dream Line. For those that aren’t aware, Dream Line is a phone number that people call to report their dreams the moment they wake. Connected to the other end of the line is an answer phone that stores the many inner workings of people’s minds. These have been stored up over the last year and some modified with distorted voices and musical accompaniment for people to listen to in the bed.

This makes the experience of lying on this white cot-like divan soothing. This is unless you hear the dream about body mutilation, then it becomes quite nightmarish but the reactions are jolly good fun!

Better yet, for you lucky ladies and gents they have a dream interpreter today. Make sure you’ve documented those dreams wisely or the analysis you receive may be as detrimental to your day as a Cosmo Horoscope.  

The Undecided Art Collective are showcasing their work at Café No. 34 from 10am until 4pm today and tomorrow.