Amazing Opportunities for 15-18 Year Olds at the Fringe!

Amazing Opportunities for 15-18 Year Olds at the Fringe!

1280 853 Ventnor Fringe

This year Ventnor Fringe and Lift The Lid are offering young people aged 15-18 an amazing opportunity to take part in a unique 3 day experience as part of the Ventnor Fringe Festival, going behind the scenes to meet the artists that make it all happen.

From Friday 26 – Sunday 28 July 2019, a Young Actors group will get the opportunity to see a range of shows at the Festival as well as meet some of the performers and directors behind them. Professional actors from these productions will host special intensive workshops as the group work towards producing their own piece to be performed on the last day of the Festival!

At the same time, a Young Artists group will get the opportunity to have personal guided tours around a wide range of exhibitions, working with a range of materials to make their own work, inspired by the artists they’ll meet.

There are 10 spaces available in each group, and those who take part will also be able to qualify for an Arts Award (Free moderation and certification included!)

It’s completely free to take part and spaces are very limited.


Dates and Times

Performing Arts Group

Friday 26th July 12:00hrs – 18:00hrs

Saturday 27th July 16:00hrs – 22:00hrs

Sunday 28th July 14:00hrs – 19:30hrs (plus optional extra to watch the 10th Anniversary Concert until 21:00hrs)


Visual Arts Group

Friday 26th July 12:00hrs – 18:00hrs

Saturday 27th July 12:00hrs – 18:00hrs

Sunday 28th July 12:00hrs – 19:30hrs (plus optional extra to watch the 10th Anniversary Concert until 21:00hrs)


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